Paul Boddie wrote:
> On Friday 02 December 2011 03:00:29 wrote:
>>     anatoly> And it could be a little easier to type
>> if mysterious somebody anatoly> could adjust
>> web-server configuration accordingly.
>> There's another layer in the URL which distinguishes the Python and Jython
>> wikis.  At least there used to be.  Now I see the selector page briefly,
>> then it redirects me to the last page I was viewing on the Python wiki.
> Yes, I think there was a discussion about this: in principle, it makes sense 
> to eliminate the "/moin" part, and I guess that this was changed. I must 
> admit that I haven't been following this list for some time, so I'm sorry if 
> I'm not up-to-date with what people have been doing.

The /moin part is still there and AFAIK is needed, since there are
several instances of moin running on the domain:

 * Python wiki
 * Jython  wiki
 * PSF wiki

and perhaps more.

>> As a person who monitors both wikis (at least for spam postings, if not
>> actual content), I'm a little disappointed that I can no longer go to
>> then select which wiki I want to dive into.

Hmm, I still get the list (without the PSF wiki) as usual. Perhaps
the change was reverted ?

> Doesn't direct you to the Jython Wiki?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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