On 19.03.2013 00:27, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> On Mar 18, 2013, at 4:23 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
>>> As part of the PyCon sprints I would like to move python.org off dinsdale 
>>> to a VM at OSL. Due to the build system being tied to SVN, I'll also 
>>> migrate that service on the same VM. Do any SVN repos other than www/ need 
>>> to remain available? This would require at least some period of not 
>>> changing the website, probably a few hours, but I don't think that would be 
>>> a problem. This is mostly a legacy move so I'm not going to clean it up 
>>> much, we'll have a new site soon enough.
>> The repos with public interfaces:
>> http://svn.python.org/view/
>> will need to remain available to keep old links in e.g.
>> bug reports working.
> Okay, thats just a single repo ("projects") which is the default one. The 
> packages repo is also visible but I'm okay with breaking that given how most 
> code has been removed in the current trunk and links are rare (thats the old 
> home for the PyPI code and related stuffs). Are we okay with that projects 
> repo being full read-only?

Looking at the page, there are some checkins which are only
a few months old, so I'm not sure whether those can be
made read-only, e.g. external/ or sandbox/

Releases for older Python versions are still done from SVN,
but those should be rare nowadays.

It's probably better to ask on python-dev or the lists used
by the projects.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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