On 09.11.2016 22:22, Chris Angelico wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Florian Ludwig <f.lud...@greyrook.com> wrote:
>> Thank you very much.
>> Sadly I could not edit the page as it always complains I am not correctly
>> answering the captcha: "TextCha: Wrong answer! Try again below..."
>> Interestingly the captcha shortens with every try.  For example:
>> # on first try, answer is 2 ;)
>>  l = [1,2,3]; l.remove(1); l[0] ==
>> # after pressing save, the captcha just looks like this:
>>  l = [1,2,3]; l.remove(1);
>> # and saving again it would look like:
>>  l = [1,2,3]; l.re
> Fascinating. You're not the first to report textcha issues, but you're
> the first to mention this. M-A, does this help track down what's going
> on?

Has this been happening only since yesterday or before that as
well ? I'm asking because I upgraded moin on the VM yesterday,
so it may be related to the upgrade.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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