Dear Will,

It’s true that very low level of divergence is more difficult to achieve with 
ACM than with methods that rely on a global Poisson solve because explicit 
smoothers are not as efficient for damping low frequency modes. However, it has 
other advantages e.g. it is (strong) scalable unlike many Poisson/implicit 
methods and it has been found to outperform projection based methods in 
hydroacoustic splitting approach.

The P-multigrid improves the low frequency error damping. Please note that PyFR 
v1.7.5 is available on Github which introduced P=0 smoothing which further 
improves the convergence, especially for the continuity equation. Moreover, we 
are actively developing the ACM solver and other acceleration techniques will 
be introduced in the next releases.

What is the scale of your simulation? If you are running a very small 2D 
problem you may not see great speed-ups with the accelerator.

It is hard for me the answer the the mass conservation tolerance question 
because it is case dependent. If you are simulating a real life problem that is 
Ma=0.0001, yes you should drive the continuity residual to a very low level. If 
you are simulating for instance low speed aerodynamics with Ma=0.1 it may be 
not as crucial.


On 8 Jan 2018, at 13:48, Will <<>> 

Dear developers,

For AC method in incompressible flow simulation, although with the accelerator, 
it seems the convergence speed is quite low, if mass conservation under a 
certain tolerance would be achieved in each physical time step.

Hence, I wonder whether the pseudo time step should achieve the tolerance in 
every physical time step regarding mass conservation, if all those time steps 
would be in post processing.

Best regards,

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