Hello Brian, I don't think the method you use to create prism layers on the 
infinite length cylinder works if the object has an end. 

I am not very familiar with CGNS and its library. I will look into that. 
All I have been doing so far was outputing the mesh to cgns format (hdf5) 
directly from the mesher. I did define boundary conditions in the mesher 
though, and the cgns format can be loaded with ParaView 5.7.

Junting Chen

On Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 6:51:39 AM UTC-4, Brian Vermeire wrote:
> Hi Junting,
> You should be able to make a prism layer in gmsh by creating a triangular 
> surface mesh on your object, and then using transfinite line/volume to 
> stretch this outwards into a volume of prisms coming off of the surface. 
> This is a bit difficult to explain here, but you can see an example 
> prism/tet cylinder mesh in the supplementary material of the below paper 
> that uses this approach:
> https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045793015002509
> Also, regarding your error importing the mesh I think it is mostly likely 
> one of two things:
> 1) You are missing boundary condition information of the surface faces of 
> your domain
> 2) You mesh is broken and some internal faces are not paired to each other
> Hopefully that helps,
> On Tuesday, 28 April 2020 20:16:34 UTC-4, Junting Chen wrote:
>> Hello, does anyone know how to create a mesh with prism layers that can 
>> be translated to pyfr mesh? I need to simulate flow past buildings. If only 
>> the ground prism layer (not on buildings) can be a great help.
>> I don't think Gmsh is capable to create 3D prism layer at the moment (if 
>> someone knows how, please shed some light). 
>> So I tried two other meshers - CFMesh+ and StarCCM+ then output cgns. But 
>> when importing cgns to pyfrm, i saw this error:
>> [image: ccm.png]
>> CFMesh - CGNS
>> [image: cfmesh.png]
>> Seems the latter cgns mesh has some quality issue, but when i run 
>> checkMesh only found some high skewnesses and non-orthogonalities.
>> Thanks for reading!
>> Junting

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