On, Thu Apr 19, 2007, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:

> Marcus von Appen wrote:
> > On, Thu Apr 19, 2007, Noah Kantrowitz wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> As OLPC is in need of both SVG and Pango support in Pygame, I am looking
> >> at making wrappers for SDL_svg and SDL_pango. Rene mentioned that
> >> someone has some code for using Cairo, is this online somewhere? Also,
> >> how would people feel about this as an addition to pygame itself vs. a
> >> secondary library?
> >>     
> >
> > There is an Cookbook entry using py-cairo at
> > http://www.pygame.org/wiki/CairoPygame?parent=CookBook.
> >
> > I wrote an own small module, which uses libsvg-cairo to load and
> > renderer SVG graphics as pygame surfaces. As it's 'not really' my own
> > code, I'll contact you in private about it ;-).
> >
> > A direct addition to pygame should be handled using the
> > pygame.image.load() methods and the support should be optional. Using
> > libsvg-cairo this could be achieved pretty fast, but I there does not
> > seem to be any support for other platforms besides Win32, the common
> > Unices and probably MacOS X.
> > I wonder for which platforms SDL_svg is currently available.
> >   
> I would actually disagree here. I would rather be able to load an svg
> object, and then render it as needed. This makes it easy to have the

Do you have a SVG library at hand, which supports all the platforms
supported by pygame? If not, it would not make sense, to make an own
module of it. As far as I know, cairo and cairo-svg are supporting the
most platforms, but might still lack support for the one or other.
Thus the module would be only availabe on a certain platform. As I
understand at least Win32, Unices (X11), MacOS X and QNX should be

> same icon in two different sizes, while minimizing wasted cycles. I see
> SVG support working much more like the Font object than an image. You
> load from a file, set parameters, and then render to a surface.

Right. That's what SVG is for.

> > Regarding SDL_pango I already started some code to enhance the font and
> > text rendering support in pygame. Pango brings some really important
> > features such as (nearly) correct complex script handling, good text
> > layout and formatting capabilities and more. My code however currently
> > does not work and will take some more time to be suitable for
> > pygame.
> >   
> Is your code actually based on Pango, or just on SDL_ttf? For a project

SDL_ttf does not make use of Pango as far as I know. When I say Pango, I
mean that ;-). The code is based on Pango 1.11. I think, I need to look
through it in order to make it work with pygame and the latest pango

> like OLPC there are a lot of issues with stuff like RTL languages and
> Arabic scripts, both of which as painful with a simple font layout system.


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