> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 1:45 PM, Douglas S. Blank
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> James said:
>> [snip]
>>> With regards to Pygame and Python
>>> in the Web Browser for a gaming
>>> platform, I do not believe this will
>>> happen anytime soon, nor do I think
>>> it's a generally godo idea -- Unless
>>> the Web Community and Industry decides
>>> that Python is a better language than
>>> JavaScript (and it is), and start implementing
>>> this as a standard in Web Browsers.
>> One option that I didn't see mentioned in this thread is the new
>> IronPython. IronPython is a new open source implementation of a fully
>> compliant Python. There is also an open source project called Moonlight
>> that allows IronPython to run in the browser.
>>> However, you will still likely not get pygame
>>> games running! :)
>> That is a fact. But perhaps a new project could focus on Moonlight.
>> -Doug
>>> cheers
>>> James
> Is moonlight not part of silver light which is Microsoft's latest bid
> to take over the internet and open source?

Moonlight, developed by the Mono project at Novell, is an open source
implementation of Silverlight, a Microsoft commercial product. IronPython
is released under an OSI-approved license by Microsoft.

I'm working on cross-platform, cross-language libraries that can be used
by Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Scheme, etc. but look like native libraries
to each.


> --
> Douglas E Knapp
> http://sf-journey-creations.wikispot.org/Front_Page

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