Thanks Ian.

I'm not worried about the os module being available.  I use pygame in classes 
that I teach, and it seems like its just one more thing for students  to 
understand and remember.  I teach mostly art students, very few computer 
science students.  I've used relative path like this:


for a long time and they had always worked for me.  Sounds like you have seen 
this too.  Unless I hear otherwise, I will use this approach as it is easier 
for students to comprehend.

As an aside ... I did development in another language/environment (Adobe 
Director/Lingo) for many many years.  Whenever we needed to specify a path, we 
had to build the full path including the folder delimiter character.  I started 
working in that environment in the days of Mac OS9.  At that time, the Mac 
folder separator character was the ":" colon character.  I didn't realize it 
but the character on a Mac is now the "/", same as the Unix character - 
probably changed when OS X came out.  I think either one will work on a Mac.  

When I started using Python, I thought it was very clever that I can use just 
the "/" character in Python, and Python seems to do whatever translation it 
needs to do to make the path work on the target system.  



> On Nov 25, 2017, at 3:59 PM, Ian Mallett <> wrote:
> As far as I know, the os.path version does a string conversion to the 
> platform-preferred way of specifying paths. So e.g. on Windows it replaces 
> "/" with "\".
> This is intended for compatibility with very Windows-focused apps that 
> (deliberately?) don't understand "/". However, for the system-level 
> application of loading files, "/" is a de-facto standard that all systems 
> recognize.
> The upshot is that either one will work. I personally use "/" because "\" was 
> just not a good idea, and Windows ought to give up already--but it would be 
> slightly more correct semantically to use the os.path conversion.
> Regarding the extra dependency, os is built into every distro, so I wouldn't 
> worry about it.
> On Nov 25, 2017 12:01, "Irv Kalb" < 
> <>> wrote:
> Here's my second question about pygame.image.load.  Actually it's a question 
> about specifying paths in pygame.
> In my classes, I talk about the concept of a path for loading images, sounds, 
> etc.  I suggest that students create an "images" folder and if needed, a 
> "sounds" folder in their project folder.   I explain the difference between 
> absolute and relative paths, and I point out the reasons why relative paths 
> are generally easier to use for loading such assets.
> I then explain that with this type of structure, that building a path to each 
> asset is a matter of specifying the folder name (and optional subfolder name, 
> etc.) and the file name.  I talk about how the different operating systems 
> use different characters as the folder separator character.  But then I point 
> out how Python solves this issue by allowing programmers to use the "/" 
> character as the folder separator character - and how Python maps that 
> character into the appropriate character for the operating system on which 
> the program is running.  I give an example that I create my demo programs on 
> a Mac, then bring them into class and run them on a Windows machine.  As long 
> as I create paths like:
> ball = pygame.image.load('images/ball.png')
> This line will work on Macs and Windows (and I assume on Linux/Unix too). 
> However, when I look at the documentation for pygame.image.load as an 
> example, the documentation says:
> You should use os.path.join() for compatibility.
> eg. asurf = pygame.image.load(os.path.join('data', 'bla.png'))
> My question is: Is there any reason to do it this way?  This requires 
> bringing an additional package (the os package), an extra call (to 
> os.path.join), and it would require much more of an explanation of what 
> os.path.join does.  
> I have also seen many other books/articles/other people's code where they do 
> the same thing by building an absolute path on-the-fly.  This all seems like 
> a great deal of overkill.
> Any reason NOT to use:   
> ball = pygame.image.load('images/ball.png')   
> Irv

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