... and replying on the pygame-users mailing list.

On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 8:38 AM, illume <ren...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for picking up the ball.
> It must be muddy and old after five years on the ground.
> It's cool that your students are messing around with
> per pixel collision detection.An d even making videos about it.
> That's pretty advanced!
> So, what's next for getting this issue fixed?
> You've already linked to some existing discussion on the issue,
> that's a good start! There's even code in there. Brilliant.
> But what even is a mask, and an overlap?
> Another thing people can do is link to the relevant code in
> the pygame source code. This means they don't need to look
> themselves, and it helps them get to the task quicker.
> Remember, the person fixing the code might never have seen
> or even used the code before.
> Documentation for mask overlap stuff lives here:
>   https://www.pygame.org/docs/ref/mask.html#pygame.mask.Mask.overlap
> Implementation of bitmask overlap (src/bitmask.c in pygame repo).
>   https://github.com/pygame/pygame/blob/master/src/bitmask.c#L161
> The unit test is here (test/mask_test.py in the pygame repo):
>   https://github.com/pygame/pygame/blob/master/test/mask_test.py#L74
> So, now they know where to look for what it does, and where in
> the code base they can write a test for it, or change the code.
> But is it even a bug? Having your students writing a unit test
> for their own code will help them check all their assumptions,
> and also see if it's a problem with the mask overlap code or
> a problem somewhere else.
> Being able to reproduce the issue makes it easier for anyone
> coming along to fix it. If not a unit test, then a short script,
> or minimal working example pasted into the issue will help with that.
> Sometimes a visual example with an explanation is best.
> Screenshots, screenshots, and more screenshots.
> Or a video, are all useful in helping people understand what's
> going on.
> Mostly people only get a hour or two here and there on weekends
> or late nights to mess around with pygame, it really helps the
> next person to not drop the ball again.
> Anything to help them see how it's not working correctly will
> help the next person fix it.
> cheers,
> On Friday, March 2, 2018 at 7:46:13 AM UTC+1, ...@gmail.com wrote:
>> I just found the Pygame Github repository.  I'll make sure the issue gets
>> reported there.
>> On Thursday, March 1, 2018 at 11:42:40 PM UTC-7, rybeca...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>>> So, *five years later* this bug still exists.  I use Pygame to teach a
>>> college video game course, and I have a student having what appears to be
>>> this exact same issue.  Sadly, the OP never bothered to file that bug
>>> report.
>>> I don't see any way to post a report at that link, which may be why the
>>> bug report was never filed.  I will explain what we are seeing though.
>>> My student started with a YouTube video, showing how to do pixel perfect
>>> collision detection with Pygame masks.  Several students have had success
>>> with this.  This particular student decided that he wanted to recolor one
>>> of the images, to display exactly where it is overlapping another image.
>>> Unfortunately, the recoloring behavior is totally erratic.  The parts of
>>> the image that are being recolored based on the overlap mask produced are
>>> very inconsistent.  Moving the top image even slightly can dramatically
>>> change what pixels are marked as colliding.  The only consistent thing is
>>> that pixels that are *not* colliding are never marked as colliding,
>>> however pixels that *are* colliding are not consistently marked as
>>> colliding.  When the mobile image is stationary, the pixels marked as
>>> colliding don't change, but a movement of 1 pixel in any direction can
>>> dramatically change what is marked as colliding and what is not.  Moving
>>> the mobile image rapidly back and forth over the stationary one appears to
>>> reveal vertical divisions, where pixels on one side are more likely to be
>>> marked as colliding than pixels on the other.  I did not observe horizontal
>>> divisions like this, though I could have missed them.
>>> Anyhow, someone *please* file a report for this bug!  It clearly should
>>> have been done 5 years ago, but someone obviously dropped the ball.

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