Hi all,

My sporadic work on Flatpak packaging has taken another step forwards:
namely, pygame 1.9.3 is now available as a 'shared module' for packagers to
use on Flathub:


I'd now like to try using this to package a real game, rather than the
Aliens demo I usually test with. If you're interested, I'm offering to do
(most of) the work to add your game to Flathub, making it a one-click
install for users on the latest versions of Fedora/Ubuntu.


Specifically, I'm looking for a game that:

- Runs on Linux
- Is open source
- Is a real, playable game, not a tech demo. It doesn't have to be long or
professional, but you should be able to have fun playing it, even if only
for 10 minutes.
- Uses pygame [1]
- Any other dependencies are pure Python and easy to install
- You, the author, are interested in the process, and willing to take over
the (probably minimal) maintenance once it's packaged.

Some of the pyweek entries I've seen would be a good fit for this, for

If you're interested, please get in touch! :-)


[1] I'm happy to give pointers on packaging things that don't use pygame,
but as I've spent time figuring out how to use pygame with Flatpak, I want
to focus on an example that does.

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