On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 4:30 PM, altern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi again
> been reading the 1.1 documentation and new features, sounds quite nice.
> Any estimations on when would it be ready for development? i read its
> still unstable.

1.1 has been in Beta for a few months now.  In pyglet parlance, a Beta
release has a (near) guarantee of API stability, and so is "safe" for
development.  API changes are made only if they are needed to avert
major design catastrophes.

The Beta release has not been tested enough among various hardware
configurations; and there are known issues with certain video cards
that have not yet been resolved (see the issue tracker).  There's a
long Beta period to enable more hardware testing by users such as

I don't estimate release dates, as pyglet fits into my spare time
only, which I seem to have been lacking recently ;-).

In short; if you're doing development with a non-immediate need to
release software to end users, use pyglet 1.1.  Even if you decide to
develop against pyglet 1.0, you should be periodically testing your
code base against 1.1 to check for backward-compatibility errors
(pyglet 1.1 is fully backward compatible with pyglet 1.0).


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