Am 03.01.2013 04:46, schrieb D'Arcy J.M. Cain:
OK, I went to tag and bag and I don't see how.  Do we just record the
current version number somewhere?  What did we do last time?

In Subversion, you just do a copy to create tags. Something like this:

svn copy file:///usr/svn/Public/pygresql/trunk \
    file:///usr/svn/Public/pygresql/tags/4.1 \
    -m "Tagging version 4.1"

We haven't created any tags in SVN yet, just copied the existing tags from cvs to tags/cvs. The new tags can go directly under tags.

The "tags" and "branches" directories aren't anything special. It's just a convention to put tags and branches there. Before we start working on version 5.0 in the trunk, we should move the trunk to branches/4.0 so we can continue working on 4.x bugfix releases there.

-- Christoph
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