Am 04.01.2013 17:47, schrieb Patrick TJ McPhee:
I just had an inconsistency in db.insert and db.update brought to my
attention. Previous versions of pygresql accepted the various date literals
(current_timestamp et al) as values in db.insert() and db.update().

I've looked into this now and I think the only way to establish backward compatibility again is to revert using positional parameters in insert() and update(), and using our _quote method instead again.

I think at least in 4.x we should try to stay backward compatible.

In 5.x we could make some incompatible changes. For instance, I think it would make sense to return booleans as True and False instead of 't' and 'f'. Maybe we should make this configurable in the next release and switch the default configuration in version 5.0?

-- Christoph
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