Jeremy S wrote:
If you put a float in a treeview, you get a really long decimal, which
is almost always not desired.  So, after playing around with it for a
while, I came up with this code to truncate floats at 1 decimal place:
                lambda column, cell, model, iter:
cell.set_property('text', '%.1f' % model.get_value(iter,

The problem with this is that it uses
GtkTreeViewColumn::get_sort_column_id() to get the column number,
which only works if the column is sortable.  Can anyone tell me what
to do if I want the formatting to work on any column, not just
sortable columns?  Thank you.

I use a text renderer with a right justify setting. And convert the float to a string for the model. That way I can have any number of decimal points I feel like.

right = gtk.CellRendererText()
column = gtk.TreeViewColumn('number',right)

Hope this helps..

Regards Neil.

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