Hello, I'm a newbie of Pyinstaller and I have a big problem with my 
executable containing PyQt gui.

In particular when i compile simple script (without gui) or script with a 
simple gui (downloaded) written in wxPython everything is ok.

When i use PyQt the executable doesn't work (both *.exe and *.app).

If i compile a script with a written gui the executable not work (red rect 
in the image), but if i entered in the nameFile directory i find an other 
executable file that will make it works (green rect).
Instead if i compile a script with an external gui (from *.ui file) the 
executable doesn't work and the other executable oper the termina that 
gives me an error: computer doesn't find gui file.

I proceed in this way:

1) terminal: pyi-makespec nomefile.py
2) modify spec file adding bundle (i find it somewhere in interne)
3) terminal: pyinstaller --onefile --windowed nomefile.spec

i hope someone could help me because i try everything for days and i can't 
solve my problem.
If you need some more information just ask.

Thank you in advance,

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