I am creating executable of my Python app using PyInstaller. I am not using 
onefile mode but still I see two processes in ps output. Following is an 

root@my-vm test]# ps aux | grep mytest
mytest   1482  0.0  0.0   8648   620 ?        Ss   02:22   0:00 
mytest   1485 21.0  0.4 1511552 36080 ?       Sl   02:22   0:00 

OS: CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 - 64 Bit
PyInstaller Version: 3.5
Python: 3.6.8

Command: python3 -m PyInstaller --clean -y --distpath /tmp/mytest --key 
testkey test.spec

Anyone has got idea ?

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