
there are some MIDI files (I can provide an example only privately,
since they are not free) for which, when played, PyKaraoke only shows
the error

"ERROR: Could not parse the MIDI file"

and then, in another MessageDialog, the error

"No lyrics in the track".

Now, that would be fair to me... the only problem is that then,
pykaraoke is stuck: not unresponsive, but it won't play any other file,
and will print forever in the terminal:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/pykaraoke.py", line 3815, in
    position = self.Player.GetPos()
  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/pykar.py", line 1072, in GetPos
    if self.useMidiTimer:
AttributeError: midPlayer instance has no attribute 'useMidiTimer'

Interestingly, if I played some MIDI _before_ trying to play the faulty
one, then in the background that will play again, but without showing
the lyrics (and i will not be able to stop it in any way).

You may think it is stupid to play faulty MIDI files, or MIDI files
without lyrics... but when I have a huge library it's impossible to try
all of them before, and then it's also annoying to have to restart the
program (and loose the queue) any time a faulty one is chosen...

Maybe an alternative fix could be to (optionally) run some "validity
check" on MIDI files when refreshing the library?

by the way, thanks for the nice app


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