
Have someone read the thread on the new component model Canossa? Would that
mean what I can't use this components with Python? This sounds very sad. It
sounds that KDE will go in a much more proprietare ways than Gnome does.
First they need something for some apps, than the extend it for other apps and
at the end we get some crap like X11 (ok, its ages, but OpenGl/IrisGl is too and
haven't this limitations)so it have so many limitations that you must do
something completly new. Why not do it at the beginning right? Why the people
thinking that we will don't need something in the future if we don't need it
now? Why the must play in his own sandbox and let the other outdoors? Why not
work together? Ok, enouth "Why's". But this will not boost the application
devolopment under Linux/Unix.


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