I tried to install some RPMs for PyQT and PyKDE and got the following error
after trying to import qt:

# python
>>> import qt
Traceback (innermost last):
File "/tmp/PyQt-0.10.1-root/usr/lib/python1.5/qt.py", line 16, in ?
import libqtc
ImportError: /usr/lib/libsip.so.1: undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

I installed sip, pyqt, and pykde as given on the web page for pykde. I
installed the binary rpms. One early sign of trouble was that after
installing PyQT, PyKDE refused to isntall stating that PyQt was not
installted. I used --nodeps option of rpm and installed anyways. Yet when I
type rpm -q PyQt it returns the correct version of PyQt.

Has anyone else got PyQT working, and what RPMs or SRPMs did you install?

Warren Postma

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