PyQt/PyKDE v0.10pre5 is in the usual place at I've fixed all the
bugs I know about and, unless you find anything new, this will be
released later as v0.10 - so this is your last chance.

Changes since v0.10pre4...

SIP generates the correct #line directives after handwritten code.
(Hannes - can you check this, I probably haven't got it exactly right.)

QString and QByteArray are now regular classes and are not mapped
automatically to Python strings. THIS MAY BREAK EXISTING PROGRAMS. You
can still supply a Python string where a QString is expected, and the
bindings will automatically translate, but if you specifically need a
Python string then you will need to explicitly convert it using either
the Python repr() function or reverse quotes.  For example, the
following line will no longer work...

s = QString() + 'xyz'

...instead you do either...

s = repr(QString()) + 'xyz'


s = `QString()` + 'xyz'

While this change isn't strictly necessary at this stage, it will be
needed for Qt v2's Unicode support - so it's best to get used to it now.

I had to make changes to three of the example programs - the changes
were very small and easy to find.

The other thing is that I'd still like positive confirmation that the
code compiles cleanly on NT.


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