On Sat, Dec 14, 2002 at 11:10:18AM +0000, Phil Thompson wrote:
> I propose to remove this behaviour.
> A more generic, think about it for 2 minutes, solution is to allow Python code 
> to be embedded in the Comment field of the Form Settings dialog. Any line 
> beginning with "Python:" will be copied to the generated module. This is then 
> completely flexible.
> Before I go ahead and implement this, does anybody have any better 
> suggestions? Or additional things that could be done for common cases (like 
> support for PyKDE widgets).

At first glance, I don't see a better way to do this, but I think you
should preserve the current behaviour when no "Python: " has been
provided (for backwards compatibility). You could even provide a
"Python: @defaults@", or something like that, allowing people to include
the current generated imports, along with the other Python: clauses.

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