    Having subclassed in C++ a Qt Canvas item, and overridden
its rtti() method, the Python rtti() function appears always
to return 0 regardless.

The generated C++ code (in sipqtcanvasQCanvasItem.cpp) has the following lines:

static PyObject *sipDo_QCanvasItem_rtti(PyObject *sipThisObj,PyObject *sipArgs)
    int sipArgsParsed = 0;
        QCanvasItem *sipCpp;
            int res;
            res = sipCpp -> QCanvasItem::rtti();
            return PyInt_FromLong((long)res);
    // Report an error if the arguments couldn't be parsed.
    return NULL;

So this appears to be forcing a call to the base class version of the
function, which seems rather inappropriate for an rtti() function...

Should this not read:
                res = (QCanvasItem*)sipCpp -> rtti();

or something like that?



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