On Dec 19, 2007 4:31 AM, Max Ischenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/18/07, Mike Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've found two rare cases for it.  One was for a reference object
> > that's built on application startup, which I could just have easily
> > put into a module global.  The other was for the SQLAlchemy engine,
> > which also worked better as a module global instead.  Oh, another time
> > I thought 'g' would be a good place for thread-unsafe objects, but
> > then found out it's shared between threads.  So what good is it?
>  A module global?
>  Are you kidding? May be my project is unique, but most of the stuff I put
> into g depend on some configuration bits, most of which come from the .ini
> file. I can't use module global since pylons.config is not available at
> import time.

But it is available when Globals.__init__ is running.  I either do it
there or stuff it into config['pylons.g'] from load_environment.


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