I've been reading carefully through the docs for Sphinx (http://sphinx.pocoo.org/ ) the past few days, and am quite sold on it at this point. As such, I'd like to assemble a group of other people who are interested in working on the docs for Pylons.

I should note that we'll actually be covering quite a bit more than what is in the Pylons package as this set of docs will cover all the major components used with Pylons, and users should only have to go to the website for a component for advanced usage. That is, there should be no need to be wandering off our docs unless you want to use a non- recommended component, or need advanced stuff (SQLAlchemy might be an exception of course).

There is a page here of all the components used by both TurboGears2 and Pylons:

The parts in that list we'll be including in our docs is (and the approximate section in the Pylons docs):
Pylons              (Advanced Pylons)
SQLAlchemy    (Models - Working with Databases)
Mako                  (Templating)
Beaker               (Sessions & Caching)
WebHelpers     (Templating - Helpers)
WebOb              (Working with the Request/Response)
FormEncode    (Models - Validating user input)
WebTest           (Testing - web application testing)
Nose                 (Testing - running the tests, writing them, etc)
Paster               (Advanced Pylons - WSGI, CLI scripts, etc)
WebError         (Testing/Debugging - troubleshooting)
Babel                (Internationalization)

If you'd like to help work on the docs in any of these ways:
- Write docs
- Grammar / spelling checking
- Copy editing (consistent usage of terms, tone of voice, etc.)
- Technical review

Please let me know. I'll be putting together a rough outline and posting it shortly.


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