On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 11:42 PM, Peter Alexis <palexis2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>I mentioned "unless there are new magical docs", because I think 99%
>> of the problems with pyramid right now are the docs.  They're hard to
>> sift through (rather dense) and easy to miss things in.  Meanwhile,
>> docs for projects like Django and Rails are really light and breezy...
>> and link to the more-in-depth specialized docs and api docs.
> I feel more or less same, 'coz I was finding much difficulty in
> understanding the framwork from the document. Escpecially, the
> registration, configuration, the Z* things etc...
> The framework is so powerful, but lack of clean medium to get into it
> causing people to take U turn. It would be much better if we can re-
> arrange/modify the documents in a way to take out Z* things, traversal
> and all complex topics to 'Advance' section seperately.

This is where Pyramid's multiple goals come into play. The BFG-ish
users say that Traversal was immediately understandable to them and
they could apply it right away, while they find URL Dispatch

ZCML configuration was moved to the back of the manual for exactly the
reason you describe, because it was a stumbling block for the large
number of Pylons users who were about to come, and the BFG users knew
where to find it in the back of the manual. I'd support moving
Traversal to the back except I think there'd be more resistance to
doing that than there was for ZCML. Traversal is central to an
application if you're using it, whereas ZCML is "just zis
configuration format, y'know". [voice of Zaphod Beeblebrox's

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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