I've created a branch named "httpexception-utils" on GitHub which
contains an implementation of "redirect" and "abort" for Pyramid that
act like their Pylons brethren.

In short, the abort feature is used like this:

    from pryamid.httpexceptions import abort

    def aview(request):

This will perform the same job as what used to be necessary as:

    def aview(request):
        return HTTPUnauthorized()

The redirect feature is used like this:

    from pryamid.httpexceptions import redirect

    def aview(request):

This will perform the same job as what used to be necessary as:

    def aview(request):
        return HTTPFound(location='http://example.com')

In addition, any "HTTP exception" (an exception imported from
pyramid.httpexceptions) can now be raised rather than returned.  The
object raised will be used as a response.

Here's the branch:


Here's the commit which added the feature:


It'd be nice to get some feedback from existing Pylons users to see if
the implementations of these features are "good enough"; it'd also be
nice to hear dissenting opinions with reasons for dissent if folks
believe this feature should not be added to Pyramid.

- C

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