On Wed, 2011-07-20 at 01:52 -0700, Eric Ongerth wrote:
> Quote from the current http://pylonsproject.org :
> "The Pylons Project was founded by the people behind the Pylons web
> framework to develop web application framework technology in Python.
> Rather than focusing on a single web framework, the Pylons Project
> will develop a collection of related technologies. The first package
> is the Pyramid web framework."
> It's factual, but a little clunky and indirect.  May I propose a
> rewrite, maybe something like the following?
> "The Pylons Project develops web application framework technology in
> Python.  Our primary offering is known as Pyramid.  Our previous
> framework was called Pylons.  Pyramid is a unification of the Pylons
> framework with repoze.bfg, providing a superset of the capabilities of
> both."  (or replace that final sentence in any way that seems
> fitting.)

I'm thrilled to take any docs contribution; the best way is via pull

- C

> There's just something about the current phrasing of the paragraph,
> especially given its prominent location on the page, that seems to say
> "we're scrambling to explain this Pylons vs. Pylons vs. Pyramid
> distinction to you, dear visitor, even though you didn't ask."  The
> point of rewriting -- whether it be my suggestion or someone else's
> better offering -- would be to provide the simple factual information
> as smoothly as possible, without a "rather than" clause, and without a
> couple of other things that just seem a bit indirect and unnecessary
> about the current phrasing.
> No offense intended to he who wrote the paragraph, it's not bad, and I
> think it made perfect sense in the first quarter of 2011, addressing
> visitors who most likely were aware of Pylons and arrived to see what
> the hubbub was about with news of Pyramid making the rounds.  But
> we've quickly moved into a more long term steady state where the
> average visitor is none too concerned with the history or the
> aforementioned distinction; by and large I suspect the average visitor
> simply wants to get straight into the current offering and not worry
> about those details.  I do suppose there is a significant minority of
> visitors who are newfound maintainers or migrators of Pylons-based
> projects, who actually are seeking that information; but I don't see a
> need to cater to them at the top of the page by default.
> Along those lines I almost went as far as to suggest that we quit even
> bothering to explain the Pylons vs. Pylons vs. Pyramid distinction on
> the front page at all.  But I suppose it's still necessary, given that
> Pyramid has top billing and yet the URL and the 'Project itself are
> still (and will remain) Pylons branded.  So I guess that does leave
> some need for at least a minor explanation.  There is also value in
> noting the strength and extent of current well-known apps/sites/
> projects built on the Pylons framework.  Thus the grey bar which forms
> the second main element of the page, below the top orange-gradient
> Pyramid section, has reason to exist with at least some sort of
> prominence.
> Still, I almost think it could be a good idea to remodel it into
> (mostly/nearly) a full-on Pyramid home page, with a less prominent
> section at the bottom, or in a sidebar, saying "looking for the Pylons
> framework?" and providing links thereto.  Maybe right now is not quite
> that point in time yet, but it's food for thought.
> I don't mean to take on the sound of a project member or contributor
> here, as all I've been able to provide is a few typo corrections in
> docs.  Forgive my use of the "we" voice above.  But I do hope these
> thoughts are worth the community's and the developers' consideration.
> Thanks.
> - ejo

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