On Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 8:14:02 PM UTC-4, Jeff Dairiki wrote:
> I'm not very familiar with the stock scaffold.  I just went to look at it 
> and was initially confused, since the scaffold in the master branch 
> currently uses a reified request property to construct the SqlAlchemy 
> session (without a global scoped session).  (See models/__init__.py 
> <https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/blob/master/pyramid/scaffolds/alchemy/%2Bpackage%2B/models/__init__.py_tmpl>.)
>  Maybe that's enough motivation to go that way?

That's odd.  I did some digging in github, and that's tied to some 
forthcoming/development approaches on changing all the scaffolds..

The "classic" method is in the active branch (and leading up to it)



> Of course, either will work.  FWIW, of the two, I'd vote for the tween — 
> the logic seems clearer to me, not that either is a brain-twister.

I'll stick with the tween for now; it'll be too much work to convert to the 
'right' system.

I *did not* like using the scoped DBSession approach, but it matched the 
current Pyramid docs and tutorials.

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