On 3/7/07, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, list...
> This thread is connected to the "Deploying Pylons applications as Debian
> packages just that I would like to suspend discussing whether the Debian
> package management system or easy_install is better for the moment. :) I'm
> trying to provide an easy way to deploy Pylons projects as Debian packages
> and thus have written a little Python program to add a debian/ directory
> to an existing Pylons project that allows the project to be built into a
> Debian package. That raises a few questions which - as I just learned on
> IRC - are not only Debian-specific but touch the deployment process
> altogether. So I decided to take it to the list again.
> First of all: the script is located at http://workaround.org/pylons. I'm
> looking forward to your comments.
> To build the actual Debian package I run these steps:
> python${PYVER} setup.py install \
>    --root debian/${PACKAGE} \
>    --single-version-externally-managed
> mv
> debian/${PACKAGE}/usr/lib/python${PYVER}/site-packages/${EGG}-${DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION}-py${PYVER}.egg-info
> \
> debian/${PACKAGE}/usr/lib/python${PYVER}/site-packages/${EGG}-${DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION}.egg-info
> And it looks like the application is well contained within the resulting
> Debian package. All that's missing is the "production.ini". I wondered
> where it comes from. David (Smith) told me that the template for ini files
> is located under "dnsdhcp.egg-info/paste_deploy_config.ini_tmpl" which is
> true. But that file is only created when building an egg - but not when
> running just "python2.4 setup.py install".
> Whose job is it to create the ini file? David said that usually Pylons
> applications are just eggs and that the web server administrator sets up
> the paster and the production.ini file referring to all the Pylons
> applications he/she desires to run. Currently (and also because I'm scared
> by Paste because I don't have a complete picture of what it is or does) I
> would want the Debian package to provide an example production.ini file
> for a Pylons application and provide init.d scripts that launch "paster
> serve" from that ini file.
> I just tried "paster make-config --no-install helloworld production.ini"
> but that got an exception "Some #directives are missing their corresponding
> #end ___ tag: cache". I think the template is broken somehow.
> David also scared me a bit on IRC when he said that the setuptools
> deployment is not perfect. Are there arguments against the above way to
> distribute Pylons projects? After all I'd like my project to run well on a
> server without playing around. Copying the files and launching the "paster
> serve" server from the shell is not really an option. I'm eager to hear
> your opinions about it. There has to be a common way to deploy Pylons
> applications. Somewhere...
> I'm really willing to follow a cryptic procedure. Or even help document it.
> But currently I'm just anxious to run Pylons for production applications.
> It doesn't "feel" like I have a proper way to run them in
> production. "paster serve --reload ..." is nice on my workstation. But
> that's just for development. I can't seriously tell that to the web admin.
>  Christoph
> P.S.: /me wonders if TurboGears has better/clearer deployment mechanisms.

That's worth looking into.  Let us know if there are any ideas we can steal.

I'm reading the TurboGears book now and see some things I'd like to
port to Pylons (@expose but just for the dict rendering, not for
making methods public; and maybe a full-stack application template
with auth and database and templates preinitialized).  But there are
other things they seem to handle in an ad-hoc manner that paster
provides for us, like the application startup file.


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