On May 14, 2007, at 1:19 PM, Philip Cooper wrote:

>> it if it's really stalled.
> That would be great.  Anyone with any funding ideas could get a lot of
> my
> attention right now.  My lack of releases is more because I have a lot
> of native rdflib in hand and am only using rdfAlchemy for new pylons
> and

Philip: why don't we talk offline about this? I'm  

>> We built a homegrown layer between Pylons and Sesame, though it's not
>> especially elegant. But this is merely a matter of writing some code.
> Is that using just Pysesame?

No. We built an abstraction layer for Pylons, which is basically just  
a thin layer over httplib2; it handles some marshalling,  
unmarshalling, and that sort of thing. In turn it just makes HTTP  
calls to the Sesame backend, but that's wrapped in a app-specific  
Java servlet (which talks to the RDF database). This way all the RDF  
query stuff is pushed into the backend, near the data, and Pylons  
controller developers just use the thin API for data access. That  
gives us some freedom about swapping out Boca or SWI-Prolog or  
Oracle's RDF db in place of Sesame w/out upsetting any of the Pylons  


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