No question that this editor is in the early stages, and needs more work 
and refinement. But I like it's simplicity.  Certainly, if you want a 
full-featured slick editor that does just about anything, something like 
xinha  might really fill the bill. But if you want to limit what a user 
can do to a small, predefined menu so that the snippets created are 
consistent for use as specific pieces in a larger  master plan, then 
maybe this more minimalist thing might be better.  Also, one has to look 
at who will be using the system, and fewer features means, in general, 
it should be easier to use.

(BTW, as far as the xhtml code, indeed, in its raw state it is not 
formatted nicely as far as pretty-printing goes, but seems to be 
well-formed - if not, I'd sure like to know...)

Hey, just my 1 1/2 cents.


Ian Bicking wrote:
> David Geller wrote:
>> A really interesting js editor: wymedit -- "wym" for "what you mean". It 
>> tries *not* to be  wysiwyg on purpose. It's use might be a little 
>> confusing to a new user at first, but the output can be carefully 
>> controlled by the site designer. I have just started playing around with 
>> it, but it might be what I have been seeking  for a long time. I suggest 
>> reading the (short) intro and trying the demo if you are at all 
>> interested in these sorts of things..
> I think it way oversells itself.  It throws in a little CSS so that 
> paragraphs and whatnot are visible (not all bad, but hardly rocket 
> science).  As an editor it's just not good.
> For instance, move the cursor around and hit the link button.  It'll 
> create a link like <a href="..."></a> -- no text, completely invisible. 
>   Totally sloppy.  Well, if you can get it to link at all.  And then go 
> look at its "clean XHTML".  Jumbled and uneditable.  Yes, it spells out 
> <strong>.  Because, after all, when you hit the "B" button you of course 
> *mean* "strong".
> Anyway, I looked at and dropped this editor from my evaluation pretty 
> quickly when I was doing such things.

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