Fellow earthicans,

I'm trying the ExtJS Javascript framework in a workflow-style Pylons 
project. And that means passing a lot of JSON data around. There is a 
certain cross-site vulnerability problem when sending JSON arrays (versus 
JSON dictionaries or scalars). But without working around it on the ExtJS 
side I will have to use arrays. So I tried to be smart and ignore the 
warning from the @jsonify decorator (which is flooding my logs):

        22:53:51,387 WARNI [pylons.decorators] JSON responses with Array 
        are susceptible to cross-site data leak attacks, see

Unfortunately I wasn't very lucky. I tried to use:

        import warnings
        warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'JSON responses with Array envelopes')

in several places like lib/base.py or config/environment.py but the warning 
always still appeared. Where would I put that code to be successful? I 
know it's close to trivial to just copy the @jsonify decorator function 
and removing that line. I'm more interested in how to suppress the 

Any ideas?

A guess is just a guess until you turn it into a pie chart.
Then it's an analysis. (Scott Adams)

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