Finally, I wish to say that, I have got the 0.82 RPM already,
but since I installed python 2.2.1, there are always warning
when I start pymol complaining about the version of python.
However, actually there is no problem at all running under
python 2.2.1.

I think this is only a minor glitch, might be due to python itself, checking for versions. I think, for the time beeing, one could either install a separate Python2.1 for Pymol or just ignore the messages.

And you could recompile Pymol from source I think. In this case, it should not complain anymore.

Bye,  Marc Saric

Max-Planck-Institut fuer molekulare Physiologie
Otto-Hahn-Str.11  44227 Dortmund  phone:0231/133-2168

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