
* Serge Cohen <> [2002-10-02 16:10] wrote:
> Title says it all...
> Is it possible to draw a protein (back-bone, cartoon, sticks...) with a 
> colouring scheme according to the crystallographic B-factor of each 
> atoms?

I have a python script on my PyMOL web page that you can use.
it has a number of options including the selection and two types of
colouring schemes (rainbow versus a blue-magenta-red gradient) and
two types of binning of the colours (equal number of atoms in each
colour or equal spacing of colours along the B-factor range).

See to download.
There are other scripts there as well.

Robert L. Campbell, Ph.D.                                         phone: 410-614-6313
Research Specialist/X-ray Facility Manager
HHMI/Dept. of Biophysics & Biophysical Chem., The Johns Hopkins University
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