On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Nat Echols wrote:

> > The downloaded script is then executed by Pymol, which can uses Python's
> > socket abilities to download PDB files and run Pymol commands on them.
> Hmmmm, I like this idea.  Can PyMOL open files directly over the web?  It
> would be nice to simply type
> PyMOL> load http://server/1cll.pdb, calmodulin

Kristian Rother's rTools (http://www.rubor.de/bioinf/pymol_rubor.html)
comes with a "pdb" command that's similar:

pdb (pdb-id)          - get PDB structure (pdb-id) from the local disk,
                        or from the PDB server.

which does everything that I want, but it might be nice to have PyMOL
parse urls like that.  Shouldn't be hard, especially with read_pdbstr.
Hmmn .. in fact, if you feel like playing around a bit, you can go into
cmd.py and change the definition of _load.  At the top, right after it
says 'r = 1', add this:

      #print "oname",oname,"finfo",finfo,"ftype",ftype
      if ftype == loadable.pdb and finfo.startswith('http://'):
         import urllib
         from importing import read_pdbstr
         print "requesting file",finfo
         pdbstr = urllib.urlopen(finfo).read()
         r = read_pdbstr(pdbstr,oname,state,finish,discrete)

And change the 'if' on the next line to an 'elif'.  That will make this
work with simple urls.  For example, you can type something like

load http://www.umich.edu/~mlerner/1rx1.pdb
load http://www.umich.edu/~mlerner/1rx1.pdb, nifty

and it'll work.  More complicated urls seem to break PyMOL's parser.  If
you uncomment the print statement in my little code snippet above, you can
see what goes wrong with, e.g. a url from the PDB like this


but I haven't played around with the parser at all.


This isn't a democracy;|                        _  |Michael Lerner
 it's a cheer-ocracy.  | ASCII ribbon campaign ( ) |   Michigan
-Torrence,  Bring It On|  - against HTML email  X  |  Biophysics
                       |                       / \ | mler...@umich

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