On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 17:27, pdouc...@chem.ucla.edu wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately this still gives me a very light 
> grey--nowhere near what you are seeing on your machine. The molecule is 
> *clearly* visible against the black background. I am using pymol on win XP. I 
> think I will put pymol on my linux machine and see if that makes a difference.


I assume that what you're seeing is the result of minute scattering
during ray tracing (Warren- is this correct?). That's just a guess.

Whatever the cause, you might consider using an image editor like the
gimp (see * below; or Photoshop on Windows, I guess) to select all
pixels within some distance of black and recoloring those as exactly
black. For a neater effect, you could add an alpha channel and make the
pixels transparent, in which case your ray traced image would appear to
"float" on whatever background you used.

Come to think of it, perhaps this would make a useful setting in PyMOL
itself (unless it already exists and I just haven't come across it): a
flatten_background setting (a rgb distance) which would cause any pixel
within the that distance of the background color to be set exactly to
the background color. If background color were extended to include an
alpha channel, then this idea would also provide for transparent


* If you're using gimp, do this: load the png, add an alpha channel
(Image > Alpha > Add Alpha Channel), then select by color (Select > By
Color..., then click black somewhere), then either 1) fill with the
bucket to set the color or 2) cut the selection to make it transparent.

Reece Hart, Ph.D.                       r...@gene.com, http://www.gene.com/
Genentech, Inc.                         650-225-6133 (voice), -5389 (fax)
Bioinformatics and Protein Engineering
1 DNA Way, MS-93                        http://www.in-machina.com/~reece/
South San Francisco, CA  94080-4990     re...@in-machina.com, GPG: 0x25EC91A0

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