Hello PyMol and APBS communities,
I am here to report the successful compilation and installation of APBS on a Macintosh (Powerbook G4, OS X 10.3.5, XCode1.5, gcc 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1666),g77 3.4.1, and Python 2.3.3), and integration with PyMol via Michael Lerner's APBS plugin for PyMol. I thought I would just tell people of my experience and spread the good word that electrostatics are possible on a Mac.

I first installed the 0.97 version of PyMol via fink as per Bill Scott's instructions:

Hi Folks:

Thanks to the efforts of Jack Howarth, who has volunteered to maintain the pymol package in fink, we now have an up-to-date version 0.97 of the x-windows pymol in the 10.3 unstable branch of fink (or will as soon as cvs updates it -- usually within 24 hours or fewer).

If you don't have the unstable branch activated, the easiest way to install this is to do the following:

sudo mkdir -p /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo

sudo ln -s /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/pymol.info /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/pymol.info sudo ln -s /sw/fink/dists/unstable/main/finkinfo/sci/pymol.patch /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo/pymol.patch

fink install pymol

I had some problems with this step because I had several versions of Python installed via fink. Although the actual version in my path was 2.3.3 there must have been several librarys, etc that were lying around my /sw/ folder and these were being referenced during the pymol compile resulting in an unusable pymol binary. The solution was to completely uninstall all fink versions of Python and reinstall only python23.

I also had a previous version of pymol.info and pymol.patch (0.86 I think ) already in the unstable branch of /sw and when I did a selfupdate-cvs I don't think the newer 0.97 version of pymol.info and pymol.patch were being downloaded. I eventually had to delete the 0.86 version of pymol.info and .patch and ran selfupdate-cvs again. Then I followed Bill Scott's directions above, and everything worked fine.

Thanks again to Bill Scott for the fink install scripts for maloc and APBS. I have been playing around with this on and off for a few months and although I have been able to compile and install maloc I was having problems with APBS.

Hi folks:

I was alerted to the fact that I made a mistake in my original fink install scripts for apbs and its dependency called maloc. The corrected ones are here:


I can't put these into fink because apbs requires a password download (sorry) so you have to download these scripts manually and put them in /sw/fink/dists/local/main/finkinfo and download the source code for apbs and put it into /sw/src .

The only problem I had was that the name of the source file in Bill Scott's apbs.info file was apbs-0.3.1.tar.bz2 and the source file that I downloaded from the APBS site was apbs-0.3.1.tar.gz. So I changed the name in the apbs.info file and although fink complained about the checksum size I just told it to go ahead and compile anyways. Everything went smoothly.

Here's another Thank You to Bill Scott, Michael Lerner, Jack Howrath, and Warren Delano.


  Scott Classen, Ph.D.
  ACS Postdoctoral Fellow
  Department of Molecular & Cell Biology
  University of California, Berkeley
  237 Hildebrand Hall #3206
  Berkeley, CA 94720-3206
  LAB 510.643.9491
  FAX 510.643.9290

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