
You need to use the mdo command, e.g.

cmd.mset("1 x10")

# Set all residues to white
cmd.mdo(1, "color white")

# Colour a residue
cmd.mdo(2, "color red, (i;51)")

# Clear colour of previous residue, and highlight a new one
cmd.mdo(3, "color white, (i;51); color red, (i;184)")

I tried to do this using the script language, but 
mdo 2, color red, (i;51)
causes an error on my version (Linux 0.98beta05) - I think this is a bug.


On Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Hubert Kettenberger wrote:

> Dear all!
> I would like to prepare a an animation in which I would like to follow 
> one certain residue on its journey through an enzyme in a stepwise 
> manner. To do so, I would like to color a certain residue, say, red in 
> state one and grey in all other frames. In frame 2, the next residue 
> should be red, all others grey. Frame three has the third residue red, 
> all others grey etc.
> Is there a command like
> color red, residue 1 and state 1
> color red, residue 2 and state 2
> etc.,
> i.e. is there a way to apply colours selectively to a certain state?
> Thanks in advance for your ideas!
> Hubert
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