Hi pymolers.




I am trying to make a simple movie with a 90 degree rotation thru the


This is what I have tried:


mset 1 x90

mdo 1: turn x,1;

mpng filename




This script  gives me 90 identical frames with no rotation.


Any suggestions?



I have also tried downloading Kritian Rother's movie.py script, but I get
the following error when I run it:


Error: ambiguous command:

            Movie.load        movie.rock movie.screw movie.tdroll 

            Movie.nutate     movie.roll   movie.sweep movie.zoom


I am running version 0.97








Michael S. Cosgrove, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

725 North Wolfe Street, WBSB 603

Baltimore, MD 21205

email: c...@cozzy.med.jhmi.edu

Phone: (410) 955-3967

Fax: (410) 614-8648


N:Michael Cosgrove;Ph.;D.
FN:Ph. D. Michael Cosgrove (c...@cozzy.med.jhmi.edu)
ORG:Johns Hopkins School of Medicine;Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry
TITLE:Postdoctoral Fellow
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(410) 955-3937
TEL;HOME;VOICE:(410) 580-2903
TEL;CELL;VOICE:(410) 591-7910
TEL;WORK;FAX:(410) 614-0483
ADR;WORK:;;725 North Wolfe Street;Baltimore;MD;21205;United States
LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:725 North Wolfe Street=0D=0ABaltimore, MD 21205=0D=0AUnited States
ADR;HOME:;;6911 Bonnie Ridge Drive;Baltimore;MD;21209;United States
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