Windows & Mac Users,

I've made a fundamental change to PyMOL's mouse interface, and would like to
hear what you think.

A while back, one of our insightful Merck colleagues made what I though was
an excellent point:  "A mouse-click is not the same thing as a
mouse-click-and-drag."  Thus, it occurred to me that if we could teach PyMOL
the difference between these two, then we could enable easier mouse clicks
and standard right-click pop-up menu behavior, without losing our current
camera control functions.

Beta17 is the result.  Left, middle, and right click-and-drags work as
before.  Now, however...

 - If you left-click-and-release, you get selection toggle behavior.
 - If you middle-click-and-release you get centering behavior.
 - If you right-click-and-release you get a context-sensitive pop-up menu.

Also, if you right click on an active selection, the pop-up menu is now
selection-oriented menu rather than being the standard atom-click menu.

Is this better?  Let me know...I very much think so.  In fact, this is
essentially how the sequence viewer already works, so now there is a nice
parallel between the 1D and 3D representations.  Hopefully that means PyMOL
will be easier for new users to learn.


(other platforms will come later -- let's start with these two and see how
it goes)

There have been a large number of quite drastic changes to PyMOL's internals
during the past few weeks, so I would also appreciate knowing whether or not
these releases are even stable enough for real-world use.  

Also, if you're not getting good performance on new ATI graphics hardware,
try "set texture_fonts" gives a wonderful boost in display performance
on the X300 (now autoconfigures), and perhaps on other cards as well.


Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.                     
Principal Scientist

. DeLano Scientific LLC  
. 400 Oyster Point Blvd., Suite 213           
. South San Francisco, CA 94080    
. Biz:(650)-872-0942  Tech:(650)-872-0834     
. Fax:(650)-872-0273  Cell:(650)-346-1154

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