
Unfortunately I can't get pymol-0.97 & 0.98beta29/27 to open a pdb without crashing instantly. I also tested Chimera (1.2105), O v9.0.7, and rasmol and these seem to work ok but I guess they aren't using quads/quad strips. Thanks for your insight, I'll email nvidia with the contents of your email.

..Sabuj Pattanayek

John Stone wrote:
  That's really interesting.  It sounds to me like NVidia's new driver
has some sort of problem with drawing quads or quad strips in immediate mode.
If that's what's going on, then a lot of other programs are going to crash
too, not just VMD and Pymol, so I suspect they'll have to fix this very soon :-) All of the VMD reps you listed as having problems draw
quadrilateral strips at some point, so that's my personal guess as
to what is happening with their new driver. The Isosurface rep is one exception, it is drawing triangle strips, so I'm not sure why you'd
have trouble with it, given that several of the others you listed do
as well.  Please email these results to linux-b...@nvidia.com so they
are aware of the problem. If you can do similar tests with Pymol, that will help convince them it's a new problem with the driver and not
just one bad software package, which is likely their default assumption.


On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 11:11:54AM -0600, Sabuj Pattanayek wrote:

Hi John,

This is what I was able to test on vmd 1.8.3, I think 1.8.2 will do the same (note this only affects the quadro cards and not geforce):

Representation          Result
--------------          ------
Lines (Default)         ok
Bonds                   crash
DynamicBonds            crash
HBonds                  ok
Points                  ok
VDW                     ok
CPK                     crash
Licorice                crash
Trace                   crash
Tube                    crash
Ribbons                 ok
NewRibbons              ok
Cartoon                 crash
NewCartoon              ok!!!
MSMS                    ok
Surf                    ok
Dotted                  ok
Solvent                 ok
Isosurface(points)      ok
Isosurface(solid)       crash
Isosurface(wireframe)   ok
VolumeSlice ok? ..not sure what datatype this wants (never used this before), i was using a brix map but couldn't see anything

Sabuj Pattanayek

David A. Horita wrote:

I Haven't tried VMD yet, but Windows XP-pro pymol crashes upon file open
under the 71.84 drivers, but not the 70.78 drivers.  (Quadro 1300,
XP-Pro servicepack 2)
David Horita

-----Original Message-----
From: pymol-users-ad...@lists.sourceforge.net
[mailto:pymol-users-ad...@lists.sourceforge.net] On Behalf Of John Stone
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 10:10 AM
To: Sabuj Pattanayek
Cc: pymol-users@lists.sourceforge.net; vm...@ks.uiuc.edu
Subject: Re: vmd-l: vmd and Re: [PyMOL] pymol crashes with new [7167]
nvidia driver

Have you reported the crashes to NVidia?  I'd suggest sending an email
to their linux-b...@nvidia.com mail address.  The fact that multiple
packages crash with the new driver indicates that they may have a new
bug in their drivers.  You mentioned that making a licorice rep crashes
your VMD on that driver, what about VDW or bonds?  Do they have a
similar effect?

John Stone

On Sat, Mar 26, 2005 at 04:42:42PM -0600, Sabuj Pattanayek wrote:

Yeah I have the same problem in the beta pymol, haven't tried the stable

OpenGL-based graphics engine:
GL_VERSION: 1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.67
Hardware stereo capability detected.
Adapting to Quadro hardware...
Detected 2 CPUs.  Enabled multithreaded rendering.
/usr/bin/pymol: line 14: 8852 Segmentation fault $PYMOL_PATH/pymol.exe $*

and 7167 won't compile on 2.6.10-11? kernels either, need 2.6.12-rc1, haven't tested others. I get similar crashes in VMD 1.8.2+ using 7167 also. For instance, if you load a pdb and try to make a "licorice"
representation, vmd just closes/crashes.

I also think this maybe a Quadro problem and not a a problem with GeForce cards. I have a GeForce 5500 FX on another machine and it doesn't have these programs, and realtime GLSL rendering works very nicely in vmd 1.8.3.

Sorry for posting this on both mailing lists, just trying to avoid reposting.

..Sabuj Pattanayek

HuiZhe Li wrote:

just upgraded nvidia driver from 6629 to 7167 (Linux, RHEL 4) and pymol crashes when a molecule is load. is there a fix? (pymol worked fine with 6629 driver).

OpenGL-based graphics engine:
GL_VERSION: 1.5.3 NVIDIA 71.67
Adapting to Quadro hardware...
/usr/local/bin/pymol: line 14:  4575 Segmentation
fault      (core dumped) $PYMOL_PATH/pymol.exe $*

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