Hello , I tried to open an r3d (raster3d) file in pymol version 0.98 and I 
get the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/xtal2/pymol/modules/pymol/__init__.py", line 218, in exec_deferred
File "/xtal2/pymol/modules/pymol/importing.py", line 549, in load
File "/xtal2/pymol/modules/pymol/cmd.py", line 755, in _load
obj = cgo.from_r3d(finfo)
File "/xtal2/pymol/modules/pymol/cgo.py", line 167, in from_r3d
if (mode[0:1]=='r') and (string.find(fname,':')>1):
NameError: global name 'mode' is not defined

The same exact r3d file opens up just fine on pymol 0.97. Is there something 
I am doing wrong or do I have to do something different to generate the file 
to work with 0.98.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Also I was curious how to get pymol to spit out the secondary structure 
assignments it useswhen one says assign sec structure in the gui. I know 
this was covered before but my googling skills are very dull today. So any 
help in getting info on the sec str assignments used by pymol for a 
particular model will also be greatly appreciated.

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