Hello all,

I was hoping someone could tell me what I am doing wrong. I have on many occasions produced nice pictures of my models using pymol, some for publication. However, I occasionally run into the problem where I load pdbs or run a .pml file, and the picture on the screen looks like pieces are missing. As I rotate or translate the model pieces come into and then out of scene. Needless to say, I don't want this to happen, I cannot have pieces of my model dissappearing, and it is making it extremely hard for me to work with a ligand I am currently trying to position. Is there something that I have set incorrectly as far as the display? This is particularly bothersome when I have a surface representation as there are pieces of the surface that dissappear, and it looks like there is a hole right through the protein at that point. Rotate some more, it fills in that spot and another hole appears elsewhere. Thanks for your time.

Kelvin Luther

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