Hey all,

I've run into the following problem while making some movies with MacPyMOL

I have a protein in surface representation that I start with transparency =
0 and a cavity (voidoo-created map) as surface with transparency = 1.  In
other words, the protein surface is visible, the cavity is not.  When I
cross-fade the transparencies, like so:

for i in range (1, 41):
  cmd.set ("transparency", i*0.025, "protein")
  cmd.set ("transparency", 1-(0.016*i), "cavity")
  cmd.png ("fadeOut_%02d" %i)

the protein disappears and the cavity appears gracefully.  However, those
parts of the cavity hidden behind a wall of protein don't fade in as the
protein surface disappears.  They only appear when the protein surface
transparency has reached 1, and there is a sudden jerk between the
second-to-last and the last image created by above script as the cavity
becomes fully visible.  I remember that this issue has come up before but
don't remember if there is a solution.  Could someone enlighten me please?



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