Does anyone still have the software / scripts required to make SGI dials box
work with Pymol?
I found an old thred back in 2004 but all the links are dead.
Dials may not be necessary, but as I have some lying around doing nothing,
I¹d very much like to apply them to Pymol (especially as my SGI has no wheel
Pparently SGI dials can be adapted to work on a PC, so if you find a dials
box it could come in handy.


The original pymol-users message can be found here:

 Prof. Gary J. Hunter,
 Department of Physiology and Biochemistry,
 University of Malta, Msida, MSD 06, Malta.
 phone: +356 2340 2917
 phone: +356 21316655 (secretary),  Fax: +356 21310577

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