Attention PyMOL Users Worldwide:
Please join me in congratulating Jason Vertrees, founder and primary
maintainer of the PyMOL Community Documentation Site,,
on the successful defense of his doctoral dissertation.
Jason Vertrees, now Ph.D., welcome to the Doctors of Philosophy Club!
In recognition of the critical enabling contributions Jason has made to the
PyMOL Open-Source Project and to the community as a whole, and to further
encourage and enable his future participation in the project, DeLano
Scientific LLC is awarding Jason Vertrees the first PyMOL Open-Source
Postdoctoral Fellowship.
With this independent income, Jason will have the autonomy to participate in
whatever PyMOL & Open-Source-related software and research activities he
believes are most worthwhile and will have the greatest impact, without
having to answer to the traditional sources for this part of his funding.
He has well earned that privilege!
So for all of you who have derived benefit from PyMOLWiki over the past
several years, please do take a moment to thank Jason for his dedicated
volunteer efforts during his time as a student.  His email is:
javertre AT utmb DOT edu
Again, a big Congratulations and Thank You to Jason Vertrees!
Warren L. DeLano, Ph.D.
Founder and Principal
DeLano Scientific LLC

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