
Honestly, this is the job of the underlying graphics driver, and I suspect
that nVidia will soon support interleaved stereo 3D via the standard OpenGL
quadbuffer API.  They've shown a willingness to support quite a number of
different approaches already.

However, I amm wary of checkerboard-interleaved stereo 3D.  None of the
interleaved solutions I've seen to date can handle the kinds of thin-line
visualizations crystallographers typically employ nearly as well as
framebuffer-interleaved full-resolution 3D used with CRTs and active-stereo
DLP projectors (such as the Christie Mirage).

Thus, my ultimate hope is that DLP-based displays will eventually bypass all
of this checkerboard nonsense and simply support full-resolution active
stereo 3D (ideal) or passive dual-display-input passive stereo 3D (the next
best option).  Given that DLP projectors already do this, there seems to be
no fundamental technical reason why desktop DLP displays shouldn't be able
to do so as well.  


DeLano Scientific LLC
Subscriber Support Services


[] On Behalf Of S. Frank Yan
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 4:01 PM
Subject: [PyMOL] Stereo output checkerboard format



I was wondering if PyMOL will support so-called checkerboard stereo format
output.  This format is natively supported by the new DLP technology.  We
can finally get rid of the CRT monitors and put on the flat monitor and/or
projection for the general audience, e.g. medicinal chemists.  I think this
would be a huge boost for PyMOL.






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