set sweep_speed, 3.5
set movie_fps, 3
DeLano Scientific LLC
Subscriber Support Services


From: Seth Harris [] 
Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 2:18 PM
Subject: [PyMOL] y axis rock and mplay frame rate

Is there a way to modulate the speed and amplitude of the y-axis rocking
that is enabled through the "rock" command and button? I am capable of
scripting my own rocking movie, of course, but in the current usage the
frames are already dedicated to visiting electron density map peaks and I
don't want to overwrite those. Hence the perfect fit for the independent
rock mechanism. Slow and gentle is good for presentations, but I'd like
something more vigorous for rapid peak examination.

While I'm at it, if I play back the frames as if a movie they whip by quite
rapidly. Is there a way to control in essence the frame rate of the playback
within pymol? Put in some kind of pause/sleep thing? (note having each
single frame persist for multiple frames defeats the purpose here).

And yes, I have a script as well that goes to each peak, does a little back
and forth dance and goes to the next, but then the cursor keys can't be used
to quickly jump ahead or back several peaks since they too have to step
through all the frames of the dance.

Hope that's clear!

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