Hi Guridis,

you need to store object matrices with the "mview store" command and use 
"rotate" instead of "turn" (object versus camera rotation).

And you should avoid "B" as object name, because it's the b-factor 
keyword in the PyMOL selection language.

mset 1x100
frame 1
mview store, object=molB
frame 100
rotate x, 90, object=molB
mview store, object=molB


On 10/29/2011 09:23 PM, guri...@imbb.forth.gr wrote:
> I want to make a movie with two objects.One object should remain
> static(A) while the other(B) should rotate 90 degrees in x-axis. I
> cannot keep object A immobile.
> The commands i am using are:
>> show surface,A
>> show surface,B
>> super B,A
>> mset 1x100
>> frame 1
>> scene 001,store
>> mview store,scene=001
>> frame 100
>> hide surface,A
>> turn x,90
> but i see object A turned
>> show surface,A
>> scene=002,store
>> mview store,scene=002
> mplay
> and i see both objects to rotate 90 degrees with respect to their-axis.
> How can i solve this problem?
> Guridis Georgios
> Post-doc
> IMBB,Crete,Greece

Thomas Holder
MPI for Developmental Biology

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