--- Begin Message --- [ Tess - I'm not on the PyOGP list to post this response - can you do it for me? ]

The OGP documentation needs to be in the form of a concise, formal, technical standard. The needs for such a document are a bit different than for API or system documentation in general.

I looked at quite a number of documentation systems before settling on W3C's "XML Specification 2.10", used for many W3C standards. It has been used extensively by others, has a base of useful tools (XSLT into HTML and PDF), and has a schema descriptive enough to do real lists and tables, without being an overbearing taxonomy of publishing forms (like, say, DocBook)

The main page is here:

The guide is here, though it is out-of-date, referencing version 2.1:

We use a limited subset of that schema (details on request). This subset is what we then transform (via XSLT) into HTML, PDF and WikiText. I intend, as we get closer to IETF draft submission, to XSLT transform it into RFC2629 as well, so then we can produce the required text format of internet drafts.

There is also http://xml.resource.org/ which converts documents written a la http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2629.html

I have worked with the RFC2629 XML format in the past. It is still the only sane way to produce IETF drafts. However, it is a pretty low- feature schema and didn't seem to have enough for our purposes. Further, the available tools for it are limited (and written in TCL).

What would be cool for commenting would be something like the Djangobook does though:

This reminds me of:
Which isn't as pretty as the Django Book project, but *IS* open source. And, oddly, is built on Django!

        - Zero Linden

Mark Lentczner
Engineering Director
API & Architecture
Linden Lab


Zero Linden

--- End Message ---
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